Prof .G. Pushpa Chakrapani
Professor of Physics, Dean, Faculty of Science, Head Incharge, Dept. of Botany, Zoology and Co-ordinator, P.G.Science Centre, Hyderabad(208)
Department of Physics
Dr B.R. Ambedkar Open University
M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D(Physics), Ph.D(Education)
Physics, Electronics, Bio- Physics, Open distance teaching and Learning
29 years
International-08, National - 02
A minor Research Project has been sanctioned by Distance Education Council (DEC),2004, and worked on "Science and Technology Curriculum: a Study f the existing Curriculum and design of alternatives”
Training Programmes/workshop attended-18
Seminars/workshops Organized -18
Head,Dept of Physics - More than 14 years As I/c Director, Women Development & Extension centre – 8 years As director GRADE& CIQA - 3 years, 7 months
29 years
UG- Edited -30, Written20- PG- Edited -10, Written-4
Coordinated- 16